Thursday, January 17, 2008

Fattcakes Outta Fatcity -Day 6 VLCD

Start Date: January 12, 2008
Start weight: 186.4
Goal: 145
Today's weight: 177
Overnight Loss: -1.0
Total Loss: -9.4lbs

Another one bites the dust! It's nice to wake up everyday to find that I am closer to my goal.

Biz: Thank you for checking on me. I've been reading your blog and I hope you don't mind me sending you a note if I have questions...since you are the HCG guru! :)

Winston: Thanks for the curry cabbage idea. it's delicious!

Breakfast: grapefruit
Lunch: curry cabbage & chicken
Snack: apple
dinner: grilled chicken,cabbage & 2 slices tomato
drinks: water,tea & lemonade


BizBuzz said...

Most excellent! WOO HOO FOR YOU!

Free me from Fat Jail said...

Great job. I am glad you enjoyed it.